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National Agricultural Research and Development Institute(NARDI) and the Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (BUAN) recently launched a project called Revenue Diversification Pathways in Africa through bio-based and Circular Agricultural Innovations (DIVAGRI). The launch was held at Impala Research Station in Francistown on the 30th March 2023 and it was officiated by the Minister…

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NARDI bringing the indigenous beverages to the forefront; Process modelling and business case development for commercial production

A socio-economic study was carried out across all districts to identify indigenous beverages consumed across Botswana, to assess their socioeconomic benefits and to determine the processes of production. A multistage sampling procedure was employed to identify thirty-eight (38) localities including villages and towns for data collection across Botswana’s ten (10) districts. Data was collected from…

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NARDI to lead demonstration of technologies to farmers through a European Commission funded project called DIVAGRI

Revenue DIVersification pathways in Africa through bio-based and circular AGRIcultural innovations (DIVAGRI) is a consortium project that aims to increase the productivity, income and economic opportunities of subsistence and smallholder farmers by implementing innovative bio-based solutions that will improve agricultural production, enable diversification of crops and increase value addition, create environmental, social, and economic sustainability,…

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Appointment of Professor Julius R. Atlhopheng as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NARDI

Appointment of Professor Julius R. Atlhopheng as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Agricultural Research and Development Institute(NARDI) effective 1st November 2022.Subsequent to a vigorous international and nationwide search, NARDI is pleased to announce Professor Julius R. Atlhopheng as the new CEO. Prof Atlhopheng possesses a Ph.D. in Geosciences from the University of…

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Application of nuclear techniques to improve and evaluate nutritional & health related benefits of underutilised crops (ESPACE event)

Application of nuclear techniques to improve and evaluate nutritional & healthrelated benefits of underutilised crops (ESPACE event)

A side event titled ‘An innovative cross-disciplinary approach to improving and evaluating the nutritional benefits of underutilized crops’ took place on 29 September 2022 on the occasion of the 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) held at the headquarters, Vienna, Austria from 26-30 September 2022. Opened by the Director, Division of…

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