The Department of Natural Resources Management focuses on range management in ranches to address bush encroachment and domestication of selected indigenous plants, such as teas with economic potential. However, following a detailed Needs Assessment Study that will be conducted later, detailed designs of programmes under the department will be carried out.

Natural Resource Management (NRM) research focuses on interactions between humans, and natural ecosystems such as rangeland, biodiversity, soils and water to promote sustainable natural resource management and resilient livelihoods under changing climate. The research areas cover (a) ecosystem services (b) land degradation assessment and monitoring (c) sustainable land management & ecosystem rehabilitation to contribute towards land degradation neutrality (LDN) (d) climate change risks assessment, adaptation and mitigation mechanism in response to climate change.
The department uses innovative technology, multidisciplinary approach and partnership with stakeholders to deliver its mandate. The research work is coordinated through the following programmes:
(a) Ecosystem services:
The research team focus on ecological and economic assessment of ecosystem services such as non-timber forest products and underutilized crops to understand processes that enhance their sustainability and improved management including stimulation of value chain development of natural products
(b) Land degradation assessment and rehabilitation:
Research focus on dynamics of rangeland, soil and water in relation to management practices. The knowledge generated is essential towards recommending sustainable utilization rate of natural resources such as rangeland carrying capacity in different ecological zones. The team will also develop technologies that support rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems.

(c) Climate change and sustainability:
The research seeks to understand the climate change risks in relation to agricultural sector and develop innovative measures that promote resilient crop and livestock industries.
(d) Biodiversity conservation
The research focus on analytical analysis of drivers of biodiversity loss, innovative solutions that support sustainable use and conservation of genetic material. In collaboration with local communities and other partners, indigenous knowledge is analysed and enhanced by relevant technologies to ensure that genetic material provide solutions to national needs.
In addition to carrying out research the department also plays a leading role in the development of strategies for commercialisation of natural products and contributes to policy formulation for the utilisation and management of the resources.