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This is yet another department whose programmes will be defined during the later stages of NARDI Strategy 2022-2026. However, processes will commence immediately to plan for the establishment of the…

The Department of Natural Resources Management focuses on range management in ranches to address bush encroachment and domestication of selected indigenous plants, such as teas with economic potential. However, following…


The Department of Agricultural Economics and Statistics works closely with all NARDI departments to validate the economic viability of conceived projects and to provide market intelligence that informs choice of…

This department will be conducting needs-driven research that improves food and nutrition security as well as increase knowledge and Intellectual Property through food product and process development, and competitive commercialisable…

The department of Field Crops and Horticulture undertakes research in the areas of field and horticulture crops to enhance agricultural efficiencies, farm incomes, and advancement of knowledge and promote NARDI…

The Department of Animal Production and Health (DAPH) is mandated to undertake research and development in the wide area of animal production and health with a view to promoting agricultural…
